Lucius w/Abraham Alexander
The Neptune Theatre, Seattle, WA

Masters of harmony and frequent collaborators across a wide spectrum of musical greats, Lucius — comprised of co-frontwomen Holly Laessig and Jess Wolfe — have something to offer of their own. And this year, it was Second Nature, their third full length and first in four years. The album boasts a dicso-pop feel and their live show put that on full display. There were mirrored tom drums and keytars, coordinated dance moves (though every note of the night was coordinated), fringed costumes, and sparkle aplenty. And the voices. Oh, the voices. Because despite the showmanship, which was totally on point, the voices are what the fans came for, and got. Totally on their game, Lucius brought the house down with their impeccable sound, and had the crowd singing to every note. If you’re a fan and you haven’t seen them live yet, it’s 100% worth it to get yourself to a show to hear these voices live. And opener Abraham Alexander didn’t hurt either, his silky, soulful acoustic set rolling through the room to rapt attention.

Review and photos by Stephanie Dore


Abraham Alexander