New Found Glory
Seattle WA
New Found Glory – Pop Punk is not Dead
The smell of nostalgia was in the air all night in anticipation for this 13 year long fan of New Found Glory. Having grown up in junior high listening constantly to just two New Found Glory records, the grown up NFG fan is very spoiled with the luxury of seven amazing records to listen too. Weather it was a collection of 24 songs or over 120 of the sweet sounds of Pop-Punk from the real “godfathers of punk” never get old. This was obvious by the packed house at the Showbox Market Tuesday night.
A jam packed stage all night from the four opening bands had all been cleared for a large empty stage. Without that New Found Glory would have been bouncing into each other all night long. When the three members lead guitar Chad Ghilbert, Bassist Ian Grushcia, and singer Jordan Punik ran on stage they did not stay in one place for long. Opening with their current single “Selfless”, from NFG newest album “Resurrection”, the level of energy was instantly set to MAX! Jordan running back and fourth on stage, singing right into the faces of the fans, Chad running back forth to both backup mics, Bassist Ian, with his normal no shirt fashion style making funny faces, jumping around and being his typical goofy self.
Every song, new, old, or really old, there was not a song on the set list that keep the crowd still. Known for their wild and energetic stage antics so was the crowd. Every song had a huge mosh pit that took up most of the venue with fans pushing closer to the front or hanging in the back or sides. With a crowd full of probably 4 generations of fans playing song everyone knew was something a short set list would not accommodate. Playing songs off of every album for more then one and half hours every generation of NFG was to be pleased. Towards the end of the night they really went back playing mainly songs off their first two albums.
Going for 13 years, never losing their original fans, gaining new ones along the way, and performing with the same extreme energy since the beginning New Found Glory are keeping the idea “Pop Punk is not Dead” alive every tour…every show.
Photos & Review – Logan Westom
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